Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Research shows that early childhood literacy is the key to academic success. This program is just one way we are working to ensure that all of our community's children have the advantage they need when starting kindergarten. In addition, our research from parents participating in our program shows that they are spending more time reading to their children and that their children are more interested in reading now than they were before receiving our books.



Who is eligible?


All children from birth to age 5, who live in Kansas counties of Chase, Coffey, Lyon, Morris, Osage and Woodson and the zip codes 66423, 66431 and 66507 in Wabaunsee County are eligible to have age-appropriate books mailed to their homes each month at no cost to the family. Over 1,500 children are enrolled in this program and are receiving books each month and over 2,363 children have graduated from the program!


How to Enroll


Parents and guardians are invited to enroll their children in the program by registering online  HERE or completing this form (Spanish form). Once enrollment information is received child's address is verified as living in our service area, books will begin arriving at your home in eight to ten weeks and will continue until your child turns five or you move out of our coverage area.

If you have moved or otherwise need to update your enrollment information, click here.

For more information on the program, please contact Viktoria Macko Griffey at (620) 342-7564 or check out the Imagination Library's website at

Parent Testimonials

"I am blown away by the quality of the books. It is such a luxurious feeling to watch my kids find a gorgeous book in the mailbox every month, just for them. I love that they see books as a surprise to look forward to, and one that we can share together."

"What a great program! Even though my son is 3 months old, he loves looking at the pictures & cooing along. And he will come to understand & appreciate the books as he gets older. At this age they will know 40,000 more words just by reading, according to my Pediatrician. She said the time to start reading to kids is at birth!"

"This is an outstanding program! My daughter loved receiving a book in the mailbox because it was specialized for her. We would read that book right before bedtime. We had books before but with this program we were able to see other things she was seeking interest in."